Practice for Nuclear Medicine at the Schwabentor

Dr. med. J. Makula, Priv. Doz. Dr. med. H. Christian Rischke and collegues
Medical specialists in nuclear medicine
Schwabentorplatz 6
79098 Freiburg i. Br.
Tel: 0761 / 36 33 00
Fax: 0761 / 36 33 022

Priv. Doz. Dr. med. H. Chr. Rischke
Medical specialist in diagnostic radiology, radiation therapy and nuclear medicine
Gartenstraße 44
79312 Emmendingen
Tel. 0761 / 36 33 00
Fax: 0761 / 36 33 022

Professional titles

All doctors obtained their medical license and certification of medical specialists in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Competent supervisory authorities

Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Südbaden
Sundgauallee 27 79114 Freiburg
Tel: 07 61 – 8 84-0 Fax: 07 61 – 8 84-145
Web: E-Mail:

Landesärztekammer Baden-Württemberg
Jahnstr. 40 70597 Stuttgart
Tel: 07 11 – 7 69 89 0
Fax: 07 11 – 7 69 89 50
Web: E-Mail:

Professional code of conduct

You can find the currently valid code of conduct and the Health Care Profession Chamber Law with the keywords “Berufsordnung” / “Heilberufe-Kammergesetz” on the website of the State Chamber of Physicians of Baden Wuerttemberg (


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